Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 17 1973 - near Webatuck LT - 9.2 miles

(this daily journal was kept and rewritten by my sister Laurie and presented to me as a gift - I now rewrite it here for you)

Don was getting sick of this Omelet Pkg. he had carried 300 miles (good grief) so we cooked it up at the Pavilion. Though we got a late start, it didn't matter because we had a short day. John and Dan left early but went into Pawling. John caught up with us at a small shelter 3 miles from Webatuck LT. He brought some epoxy glue for my boots. There was a reroute here. Got near the shelter and Ernest Johns (the original bald man) was there. He had been waiting a few days for Dan & John to catch up. We sat and talked for a while and decided to set up the tent there because the shelter was steeply down and off the trail. Dan came in around 4 PM. John has been itching to do some big mileage so he said goodbye and moved on. He "smelled" New England. I read some of Ernest's poetry and was impressed.

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