Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15 1973 - Torrey Memorial lean-to - 6.8 miles

(this daily journal was kept and rewritten by my sister Laurie and presented to me as a gift - I now rewrite it here for you)

When we woke, the rain had stopped for a while so we ate and packed. John and Dan left a little before us. We were off at 8:30. Walked with only one stop (5 min) but the mosquitoes were fierce. Passed through Fahnestock State Park Campground. Nice park. It started raining again. Reached Torrey Memorial lean-to and it looked nice. John and Dan were already there. As we ate lunch it really started to pour. Had planned to go 6.9 more miles to Farmers Mill LT but Don spread out his sleeping bag on a bunk, crawled in, and I knew we were there for the duration. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em so I also crawled into my bag. John and Dan wanted to move on but they laid out their bags and rested. We all woke up about 5 PM. Needless to say, no one made Farmers Mill LT. It stopped raining. We ate supper. Don played the guitar and we sang. Dan started a talk on music, decibals, frequency, etc. He always tries to get everyone arguing. It's quite funny really.

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