Friday, June 21, 2013

June 21 1973 - spring near Clark's Vally - 14 miles

(this daily journal was kept and rewritten by my sister Laurie and presented to me as a gift - I now rewrite it here for you)

I am awake and it's still raining. Don and Jay are still sleeping since there is a slim chance of getting decent mileage today. The trail is extremely slippery. (end for now). Back again at 8:20pm. It stopped raining at 12 noon so we picked up and left at 12:30. Nice trails and views for the first 8 miles to Shaffer Shelter. Didn't stay there because the spring was brutal to get to. Ate and moved on. Tried to reach old Clark Valley Shelter that had been torn destroyed. Those last 6.2 miles seemed like forever. Finally found a spring at 7:30. Exhausted and bitchy, we crashed on the side of a mountain. I didn't feel like moving. We put up the tent about a foot from the spring. The ground was damp and slanted but it didn't matter at that time. If we slid out of the tent door we wouldn't know the difference. Had instant breakfast for supper. Don and Jay had Kwik Lunches. Went to sleep at 8:30.

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