Friday, March 2, 2007

Memorable Motorcycle Moments (hint: they are mostly crashes)

1) David breaking his collarbone while riding with Johnny Casoli and watching his speedometer instead of the trail.

2) David being a spectator in his cast, watching the races at Middleboro, and getting run over by an errant motocrosser.

3) David with a stuck throttle shooting off the end of the Middleboro track during a race.

4) Laurie filming crashes at the Middleboro race Track.

5) Sand pit hillclimbing near Bog 19

6) Night riding through the bogs & woods to Halifax and an All-you-can-eat spaghetti meal at Kittie’s Restaurant.

7) Me wiping out on a bog road and getting run over by Laurie near the cranberry dump, and being grateful that large Clayton on his Yamaha 350 was not the one right behind me.

8) Watching Dave Gurney hanging on to the handle bars, belly on the seat, feet dragging behind in the tar – up until he hit the jump leading into the woods trail at full throttle.

9) Riding the riverbed, laying in wait for Eric to turn the blind corner, then spraying him with mud.

10) Riding the bog roads, waiting for Eric to almost catch me, then spraying him as I wheelie through a puddle.

11) Practicing jumping the big hill behind Casoli’s and swerving around the parked Tractor Trailer on the minibike – then switching to the big bike, not landing it in time to swerve, and crashing underneath the truck

12) Laurie hitting an unseen chain across a bog road with her front tire which flipped the chain up, hitting her in the chin and throwing her off the back of the bike.

13) Building a ramp in the parking lot behind the house, then convincing all the neighbor hood kids to lie down while Eric and David jumped over us.
(Hey, Mom wouldn’t let us jump cars but she never said we couldn’t jump little kids)
(PS: the record was 14 kids lying side-by-side)
(hard to believe there were that many dumb kids in one neighborhood)
(I always had to volunteer to be the last one in the lineup)
(beyond the distance of 10 kids, I only trusted Eric - David had a history of occasional mis-cues on motocycles)

Mom and me in the parking lot - 1971

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